Dear Otter Fans-
Some of you have written me asking me to put all of the last Otter Story
Chapters together, and to mail them to you as a single document.  I would
be happy to do that, but I am having some *major* computer problems at
the moment.  The hubby and I are pricing new ones.  This old Gateway
needs to be taken out and humanely destroyed.  You are of course welcome
to put them together yourselves, if you can find someone willing to do
the hunting and coallating.  Look on Sep. 10th, 11th, 14th, 15th, 17th,
18th, 22nd, and 23rd.  I am sorry my computer problems caused the story
to come out at such irregular intervals.
I am sorry hoomins are such buttheads.  There is a beautiful bit of
Otter *River* visible from Rt. 2 in central MA, between the exits for
Templeton and Gardner.  It is essentially the only part of the river
so marshy that contractors can't build on it.  Follow it north and you
come to the 'town' of Otter River which is made up of derililect mill
buildings and the seediest, creepiest resedential hotel that I have ever
seen.  It winds up farther north into a superfund clean up site that is
mostly a cracked, weathered asphalt parking lot(for the workers who
needed to park at a long defunct industrial business.) It is surrounded
by a mean looking chain link fence and posted with many warning signs.
There are no otters there, none.  It makes me want to cry every time I
see it.
[Posted in FML issue 5376]