Me iz back.  Didn't ya juzt miss me?
I am helping SOS sell some stuff on eBay that was donated and created by
Lisette.  We are selling this item to help raise some MUCH needed funds
It's a ferret nursery shadow box!  It's really really cute!
And you know what mommy said?  She had it looks like ME!  Except that I
think the baby is a boy cuz he's got a blue collar on.  So we gonna say
he's my twin!
You has to look at this auction thingie!  And then PEWWWESS bid on it.
Me wanna raisin lots of money to help Ms. Jackie at da Dook Nook Shelter.
Hugz & Luvz
Princess Pepper
(permission to cross-postie)
[Posted in FML issue 5372]