Bridge greeters, please be on the lookout for a big light blaze named
Buddy.  He is so sweet and his passing so unexpected, he may be wondering
where he is.
This morning, while holding Buddy, wrapped in a towel and blanket at
my chest, he crossed the Rainbow Bridge at 11:46 A.M.  He was only ten
months old and we got him from a local pet store.  He was a return to
the store for whatever reason, but he was alone in the cage, and Nance
fell in love with him. (I did too)  He had a crooked tail and a weird
lop legged walk.  Turns out he must have been dropped or stepped on and
he healed with unset bones.
He managed to get around the house with a funny hopping gait.  So gentle
and loving natured.  Loved to be held for hours and sleep in your arms.
All his brothers and sisters would take turns playing with him, but not
as rough as they were with each other.
Our youngest cat Boots would treat him as her kitten.  She would curl up
around him and groom him.  If she was sleeping, he would search her out
and curl up in her belly.  She'd wrap her paws around him.  They were
the best of pals.  Boots has been looking for him this afternoon.
Due to my inattention, I put Buddy to bed in the wrong sleep hammock.
Put him in the high sleep sack, and his misstep during the night and the
fall that left him completely paralyzed.  Always have put him on the
floor or the big hammock where there were shelves stair stepped, so he
wouldn't fall.  My carelessness cost him a long life.  So here I sit, a
sixty year old man, crying over this gentle boy, as he returns to the
Creator.  How stupid of me to cause this.
Told Buddy that the Creator knew him from the beginning of creation and
will know him forever when he returns across the Rainbow Bridge today.
Asked St.  Francis to watch over him and introduce him to all the Bridge
greeters, and to help him find Popcorn and Nipper, and all our other
critters who are there before him, and others who will join him in the
future.  Someday we will all meet again, hopefully to live forever with
our Creator, the Lord Jesus Christ.
Please, no need to reply to this.  I feel bad enough as it is.  Do
something for your own babies today.  Hugs, kisses, extra treats, so they
know how much they are loved, wanted and appreciated.  Nance and I know
your thoughts are with us at this time of loss.  Buddy will always be in
our hearts, just like Popcorn and Nipper, Scat Cat and Kibbles are.  He
will be laid to rest in the front yard Wednesday morning along side our
other departed pets.
Gerald & Nance Eiden
Polo, IL
 & our now 12 Hoodlums
and Alfie.
Our 4 cats: Momma Cat,J.D.,Renee, and Boots
Remembering: Popcorn, Nipper and Buddy.  Cats: Kibbles & Scat Cat
[Posted in FML issue 5371]