It was the fullest, richest part of the summer in New England.  The
afternoon shadows were lengthening, the blackberries were deep purple and
plump on the cane, and the soft breezes sifted the yellow powder from the
fuzzy yellow goldenrod blossoms.  The bees were starting to show some
wear and tear, and the occasional "plonk!" of a shiny new acorn could be
heard beneath the oaks.  It was the end of August, and the hoomins packed
up their suitcases, and left the house for their annual vacation.  The
dog, the Noble Allis Chompers was dropped off to spend the time with
local family.  Arrangements were made with the nice girl down the street
to check in on Ping and Puma, and France, the Fricken' Pygmy Hedgehog
every day.  The hoomins would be gone for ten days.  But while they were
gone, someone was coming over for an extended stay in the country...the
When we left off...
The room fell silent once more, and finally France piped up with steel in
her voice "So whaaat are we goin' do about eet?"
At this both the First and the Second otters smiled bitter smiles.  The
Second said from his place sitting on the floor "Why, make *s'mores*, of
*S'mores?" asked Puma.  "What are those?"
And the otters began to grin, even more wickedly...
"OH!!  I KNOW!!" yelled Ping.  "Good stuff!  Really good hoomin food with
"Yes," said the Second otter.  "They are *delightful*!" To Puma's
inquisitive look he explained "It is a melted chololate and marshmallow
sandwich between crunchy graham crackers.  My brother and I prefer them
with sardines, or smoked oysters, but they are good just by themselves,
At that Puma's jaw dropped open, and Ping yelled "DUDES!  let's make some
"Well," said the First otter, "we need a fire to roast the marshmallows.
I think that one of those new *condominiums* they are building down by
what's left of the creek might burn merrily!"
"DELIGHTFUL idea!" enthused the Second otter.
This exchange just plain shocked Ping and Puma to silence.  Burn down one
of the new condominiums?  That was... a *bad* thing, and they knew it.
Fire was bad.  That was why animals didn't play with it.  Puma decided it
was time to concentrate on her mantra, this entire exchange had unsettled
her.She wanted to regain her center very badly.  Quietly, she turned and
padded away to the bathroom and hid beneath the clean towels on the shelf
next to the shower.  She did not come out.
Ping and France made eye contact, but it was always difficult for him to
know what the little Hedgehog was thinking.  Playing with fire...That
sounded like something France might actually *enjoy*.
There was another one of those long silences, broken when France said
quietly "Non.  Non non non.  I weeel not be like dem, de bad hoomins.
Dee ones who hurrt, an' destroy, 'an do not care.  Dey haff no honor,
'an I 'ate dem."  With that France turned, and walked back into the guest
room, and began the climb back into her habitat.  She snuggled down into
her sleepy sack, and said nothing more.
That left only Ping, and the otters...
End Part Six
Alexandra in MA
[Posted in FML issue 5370]