Hi All,
Been sometime since I sent a note, but Moolduns helping Shadow made me
realize that I should.  We have been grieving here for Pooh Bear Watson
for 6 weeks now.  As I may or may not have told you all, I am fostering a
little guy that needed alot of love from a hooman some where ,so me and
my daughter are fosteing him.We adore him and he has been helping us in
our grief.  Understand we were set on no more ferts.  I was and still am
very much in love with my lost angel.  Barb from TRFC sugested we try
taking a foster baby for awhile and see if it would help us.  She was
right and has been so wonderful to us.  We are considering his adoption
here soon.  He (POOH) comes to me in my dreams occasionally, and he dose
jokes on my daughter.  We made a shadow box, 4 shelf, memorial to Pooh,
and put plexiglass on front so that nothing could be disturbed by my
Great Granddaughter or Willy.  Willy I think, can't believe he has all
that he has.  He has a mansion to sleep in and all kinds of toys (and
his human playmates), food and lots of love.  When he came the first
night he looked at his mansion and I know he thought this just can't be
all mine.  He hopped out and went back in and looked again.
I really appreciated all the expressions of condolences, which I ran off
and will put in a scrapbook for rememberence of my angel boy.  I also
saved the portion of Petey meeting Pooh at the Rainbow Bridge, and will
put it in his scrap book.  Mooldun was incompacitated at the time.
My camera got ruined yesterday when I spilled my coffee, I'll be lost
without it.Digital cameras are wonderfull to take pix, but water ruins
them very easily.
The Tree Rivers Ferret Picinic was so much fun.  Willy won 4 ribbons.
Pooh is very proud of him I am sure.First place for shortest tail.  HaHa
Does anyone know of an insurance co.  for ferts.  I was on one called
United but, I don't think they are on the East coast.
(www.unitedpetcare.com) They also insure shelter ferts and family pets.
It looks good but I am waiting on an answer to if they will insure on
East Coast.
LOL and Dooks,
Beck and Willy(mender of broken hearts)
Pooh (our angel boy)
[Posted in FML issue 5369]