>From:    Mary Jo <[log in to unmask]>
>I need to start checking some blood glucose levels here at home very
>soon.  I was wondering if any body had any great tips on the the easiest
>or less stressful way of getting that drop of liquid gold?  I was taught
>to use just the lancet and not use the little pen because it wouldn't
>puncture the ferret and the noise just makes them upset.  But this
>stabbing them with the lancet has me all squeamish.... I get a lot of
>peeing on me, crying and upsetness....  There has to be a better way.
Use the lancet device, set on the highest setting.  Prick the tail tip,
it's an easy bleed, painless, and stress free (for both them and you).
If need be, distract them with a bit of ferretone on the belly.  I've
used this method with all of my kids, including daily testing on my
insulinomics.  It's never failed me.  In fact, my vet is even using ths
method now.
Karen McCabe
[Posted in FML issue 5364]