HI shelter Friends!!
This is a reminder and LAST CALL for RSVP's for our Fall shelter
workday & Cookout!
 Date: Saturday Sept 16
 11 Am - 4 PM
PLease let us know IF you plan to attend -- also what you may be
contributing to the Pot Luck cookout!
It is very busy here for shelter folks trying to keep things going in
the shelter, run the gaming fund raiser at night ( 65 miles away) and
for shelter Dad with work & college classes (mandatory job related)!  We
need your help!  Volunteers and donor support are at an all time low -
Emergency vet visits have cleaned out the vet account.
If we are to continue this work - we cannot do it alone!
To Date we have a veggie tray
German Potato Salad
traditional potato salad
hot dogs
cold drinks
arriving  in the cookout contributions!!!
Work designated for workday is:
vet tech on call for shelter ferrets
change over the shelter rice bucket ( empty - power wash - restore)
power wash a large cage unit
Sort and assemble sale items for MAFF RenFaire event Oct 15
Sort & put away bedding items in shelter ( Mom will have all the laundry
done form Fridays shelter clean up prior to work day!)
If time allows- apply primer to clapboards on outer walls of shelter
building in preparation for winter
Lots more if people & time allow!
we need to spruce & tidy up the place for Fall... the insurance folks are
badgers about the details with the shelter on premises!
Please let us know what you can do to help!
email at the above address no later than Friday AM
Thanks and we do hope to see you HERE!
[Posted in FML issue 5364]