I have a biter who's left me w/ lotsa scars between my Achilles tendons
and my calfs.  Also (though fewer) a number of scars on the fronts of
my legs at the same level.
Well, I recently asked a petstore owner how she dealt with biting
ferrets, and she said she gave them a shot of Bitter Apple in the mouth,
and claimed that it was a surefire way to solve the problem, though she
sometimes had to repeat this treatment.
Can you see any compelling reason to not try this on my boy (being sure
to avoid his eyes)?
Now, here's the triggering reason why I am considering this approach:
I had to get an infected cat bite seen to the other day, and the MD
looked at and touched the fert scars w/ interest but said nothing.  I
am in a fert-forbidden zone, and so that gave me a jolt, wondering how
I would ever explain...
And MORE: as a result of my medical appt, the cat, Andy, now has a
criminal record.  And, the Dept of Health wanted to come out to the
house and inspect Andy -- who was supposed to be quarrantined a week or
10 days following the bite.  Luckily, by the time I had the cat bite
looked at, a week was almost past, and by the time I called the Dept of
H, it was Fri aft.  Ordinarily they wd have come to the house (omigod)
on Mon, but since Mon wd have been Day 10, they decided against it, and
I did not have to hide all the ferts from them.
And, to round out the story, here's how the cat bite came about.  Andy is
abt 13, and he and I were standing on a cement pad, when I inadvertently
stepped on his tail.  He yowled and gave me a small bite, which caused me
to quickly shift my weight onto the other foot.  But I had misjudged, and
the foot that got the sudden weight was the one on the poor guy.  At
which point he really sunk his teeth in with a great howl.  Naturally.
Well, he seemed to be ok, and I apologized and held him and etc etc as my
wound was hurting something fierce.  I kept an eye on him and his tail
over the days and also on my bite.  He was ok, and the bite eventually
[Posted in FML issue 5363]