Hi William Donnell;
Quick answer to your questions... well maybe not so quick
1) Removal of the right adrenal in and of itself is not indicative that a
ferret will come down with Addison's disease.  It is the sudden removal
of both glands and the ferret being left without necessary hormones
instantly that is the problem.  If one gland is removed then the other
is removed some time later (Months to years) and the ferret has had an
opportunity to adjust slowly to lower hormonal levels then a short course
of steriods is often used to stablilize the ferret after surgery; then
often the ferret is weened off that medication.  The crisis comes with
both glands are removed at once.
2) I think the drug you are referring to is the Superlorein... someelse
will have to help you out here I've never used it on one of my kids..
so far we have always been able to opt for surgery.  I know it was not
available at one time inthe US..  don't know about now.
3) I have no experience with OKC vets either but I'm sure someone else
can help you there as well.  BUT
I did want to ask, why would you debulk rather than remove.  My feeling
is that this is related to invasion of the vena cava.  Debulking only
reduces the size of the tumor... but the tumor is still there..
if ligation of the vena cava is needed to remove the tumor and your vet
is not comfortable with that procedure why not arrange for your ferret
to be treated by another doctor who has experience with ligations?  We
seek specialist care or second opinions for ourselves and our human
family.  Isn't your ferret worth it also?  Rhetorical question, not
criticism.  If it's a question of money..  get the melatonin implant,
that will buy you 4 months to save or fund raise - then get the surgery..
Can't get the ferret to another vet?... REALLY..  you're sure you can't
get to the area and have another person help out with actual transport
to the vet on a workday for the vet?
There is a very large metroplex that is not unreasonably far from you
where a very experienced ferret vet resides and the people in that area
are very kind and willing to assist a ferret.  You may not have a
problem, you may only need to state your case and ask your question.
If you want less criptic info please contact me privately.
I hope you get the answers you need and I wish your little fuzzy much
health and happiness.
Vicki Montgomery
Tricks and Treats Rescue
Greater Houston/Galveston Texas
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"Until he extends the circle of his compassion to all living things, man
will not himself find peace." ~ Dr. Albert Schweitzer
[Posted in FML issue 5361]