Last year, I lost a ferret during surgery to have the right adrenal gland
debulked after hyperadrenalism recurred following the removing of the
left gland.
I just learned that I friend of mine has a ferret that obviously has a
ferret with the same problem with recurring hyperadrenalism following
removal of the left gland (how depressing) and I cannot find my cache of
adrenal disease articles.  So tips on the most recent information would
be appreciated, since searching the archives is giving me way too much
Or more specifically,
1.) Is it not the current consensus opinion of the experts that removal
of the right gland DOES NOT cause adverse complications (Addison's
Disease) in ferrets, as it does it cats and dogs, contrary to previous
and widely held beliefs?  A convincing resource would be appreciated.
2.) I thought I remember that there is a newer and more effective and
less costly alternative to lupron, but cannot remember the name of the
drug or whether it was available in the US, so any information in that
regard would be appreciated.
3.) Besides internet sources, if anyone has specific information on
Oklahoma City area vet surgeons with experience with right gland
debulking/removal, that would also be greatly appreciated.
[Posted in FML issue 5360]