I have a little fella in my care right now who I adopted out to a
wonderful family a little over a year ago.  They have 2 of my ferrets.
They moved out of state but recently drove almost 8 hours to bring
DoodleBug back up to Louisville for a visit to my vet who they knew
was trustworthy.
Long story kinda short - we removed a very large spleen with a golf-ball
sized mass attached to it.  Also removed 3/4 of a golf-ball sized
galbaldder (they are normally the size of a pea)!!  $534 later (after the
generous 50% discount was applied!!) we brought Doodle home and he was
doing very well.  A little set-back - had a little suture incident and
some insides came outside.......ewwwww.......had to put him under again
and fix that at 10:00pm on a Saturday night.
This little guy is 4 yrs old and a real fighter.  He's recovering very
well, eating kibbles again in the 1st time in months and he wants so
badly to run around - but he has no use of his back legs.  Oh ya - and as
if he doesn't have enough going on - he's got insulinoma and he's blind.
But he has such a spirit and a love for life!!
I'm looking for wheels - free, rental, or full-price wheels for Doodle.
We want to provide these to the family to use when they take him home so
that he can still run around the house as desired.  It's not like his
Grandma Sherry doesn't carry him around the house in a large sweater
pocket already.......but you know - sometimes you just need your
The only site I've found so far is
Thanks All,
Jerri Carel
The Ferret Haven
Louisville, KY
[Posted in FML issue 5358]