Wow, I don't know where to start.
For the last half day or so posts sent to the FML has been returned
as undeliverable.  It's fixed for now, but probably only temporarily,
and the FMLs coming from CUNYVM.CUNY.EDU will likely cease to exist
In short, I have resigned from The City University of New York, where
the FML has been hosted for the last dozen years or so and where I have
worked for over 25 years.  The new administration in charge of things
like mailing lists is still trying to figure out how things work, and
although I am helping when asked (and this mess today was news to me
until just a couple of hours ago when I noticed), I think it's safe to
say the days of mailing lists such as the FML being hosted here will
very soon come to an end.
This was anticipated several months ago, before I even decided for sure
to leave, and 2 alternate plans were put into motion, but the swiftness
of this change caught me by surprise.  But, relatively soon -- within a
few weeks, I'd guess -- there will be a NEW address for the FML: posts
will be sent to the new address and mailings will arrive from the new
Other things will remain basically the same.  Archives will eventually
be moved too, and since I *really* don't want FMLs cluttered with ads,
I will not be using a free service like yahoogroups.  In fact, I'll be
using the same premium LISTSERV(r) software to distribute the FML that
has always been used over the last dozen years and will use a private
hosting service, not a big free one.
For now, please continue as usual.  I will make a further announcment
as soon as some final details (like making things work!) are figured
out.  Please do keep in mind that we may be cut off prematurely.  If
this happens I'll e-mail everyone periodically to let you know what's
going on, but posts may have to be held for a little bit until we're
The FML is NOT going away.  Perhaps on a short holiday, but I hope not!
Thank you all for your patience.
[Posted in FML issue 5351]