Please lets drop the ferret biting thing, I'm sure Alexandrea never ever
hurt a ferret in her life.  I have had ferret biters, I just scruff them,
then kiss the heck out of them While they are defenceless,, LOL They
usually give up biting after being forced to play kissey face a couple of
times.  They close their eyes, and yawn.  But they sure take off as soon
as their feet hit the ground, I'm sure some people will think it is
cruel.  But it helps,
My present biter likes to give licks, ( kisses) on HIS terms.  but scruff
him, And kiss him and he goes ape!  He is also ticklish on his belly, so
just a tickle sends him into a dance fest when he is released.
I never tried dragging, the next time Grabby Hands latches onto my ankle,
( his idea of fun is grabbing on with his front paws, while sinking his
teeth in.  so far no blood, but indents a plenty..) I'll try it.IF I can
catch him!!  He got his name from a monster under the bed that attacks
kids ankles.  Another monsters name was Snoretimer, I named a ferret that
also, The names seemed to fit ferrets.  IF you like puns, try a book in
the Zanth series.  By Piers Anthony .  they are good CLEAN fun.
Pauline and the four footed four flushers.
all 12 of them, .4 ferrets, 4 cats and 4 dogs.
[Posted in FML issue 5350]