I seem to be one of the few people that see nothing wrong with
Alexandra's behaviour towards her biting ferret.  From what I've read,
Alexandra has had ferrets for quite some time and takes good care of
The usual methods to stop the ferret from biting didn't work, so she
tried a different method.  One which hopefully worked.  Good for you,
Have I ever bitten my ferrets?  No, but my parents bit their Great Dane
when the dog was play-biting too hard.  I believe it worked.  The only
difference between a Great Dane and a ferret is the amount of pressure
in your bite; enough to get the pet's attention.
I have only owned one ferret that bites a little hard, and she does that
when we are playing.  She doesn't draw blood, and while it hurts when she
bites, it is tolerable.  I have tried various methods to get her to stop
biting so hard, and either they work, or her growing up a little has
Alexandra (and others), it doesn't matter what method you use to explain
to the ferrets that biting hard is not okay, someone is always going to
say you are being mean to your ferrets.
- Scruff them and give them a little shake while saying "no".  Oh no!
  don't do that you horrible person!  That is so mean to the poor little
- Put bitter apple on the places they like to bite.  That is so cruel!
  Do you know how terrible that stuff tastes?
- Tap them on the nose while saying no.  NEVER, EVER, EVER, hit your
  ferret, you mean, horrible, person!
It goes on and on.  For every bit of advice to help deal with problem
ferrets, someone out there will disagree and say that you are abusing
your pet.
expecting to be deluged with hate mail by "well-meaning" people.
currently owned by Lola and Rio
[Posted in FML issue 5348]