A little over two years ago, I lost a very handsome little ButterScotch
boy, due to two Brown Recluse Spider bites on his tummy area.  Check out
this State of Florida link, to find out the dangers of venomous spiders.
Look at and save the pictures of the spiders and the bites they inflect
on animals and humans.
( http://www.doacs.state.fl.us/pi/enpp/bur-enpp.html )
Scottie was in my home for a little over five months.  He made the
Crossing to the Rainbow Bridge Meadow, on the 7th of July in 2004,
while being cuddled in my arms.  At the time of his Crossing, he
was only eight months old.
Ferrets Rule My World!
Owned By The Brat Pack And The Furo Mafia!
[Posted in FML issue 5323]