Susann Thiel knocked my socks off today with her BRILLIANT FML post
showing up the lies that the promoter of that vegetarian food told
about himself!
>it's very clear that the claims Dr. Weisman is making about himself
>(including the fact that he's a doctor) are not true.
> university.html
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Natiffany wrote:
>I sure wish he would spout that crap off to Bob Church or Sukie!  He'd
>get smacked down pretty quick!
Thank you, Tiffany, but right now I am having to reduce my time on-line.
I had a vitreous tear in my left eye so it is kind of like looking
through a patterned lace curtain, though not as pronounced as the one
last year so likely to clear up in fewer weeks, too.  This time I can
skim, but my eye tires very easily, hence the on-line time restriction.
Fortunately, I got very good news on Thursday that both a retinal buckle
and a blood clot in the eye found on Monday had resolved so I wasn't sent
for retinal surgery.  (Remember folks, if you get what looks like a
lightning storm with repeated bouts of flashes in an eye you need to see
an ophthalmologist that same day, and if there is also vision loss then
retinal laser surgery is needed that same day.  Too many people still
lose sight from problems that so very, very, very often no longer have
to cause blindness, such as typical glaucoma (for which there are now a
number of meds including ones that don't cause problems with asthma) or
a number of causes of retinal detachment because they delay medical care
for too long for anything to be effective.)
Besides, honestly, there are so many GREAT resources out there that
effective searching is something many people can do.
I doubt anything short of cutting his business would such a disreputable
soul to remove his assertions, so I think that it would make sense for
all of the ferret lists, digests, and newsletters ***for which it is
on-topic and viable*** to carry information showing their members to
think twice about this product and its promoter so that folks don't spend
their money with him.  I think that the info Susann gave on the lies that
person has told about himself say a lot, and combined with reputable
dietary info could make impressive regional newsletter articles.  I also
think that regional newsletters are often the most effective way to get
info across most effectively to the largest cumulative audience because
people know each other so trust is built that way, but that larger lists
tend to get the ball rolling often, so each serves a vital function.
(That is just my own take on what works best when and is merely opinion
rather than proven fact.)
Shirley made absolutely wonderful points in her note about biting and
what to do when it occurs.
I addressed it privately and am sure that others will have done so.  I'll
bet the words times-out got repeated over and over.
My suspicion is that the ferret just needs to feel secure in the new
brand home which will happen with time and reassurance, but I did mention
checking for possible adrenal or dental issues, or things that can cause
-- Sukie (not a vet, and not speaking for any of the below in my
private posts)
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[Posted in FML issue 5347]