My beautiful, sweet Allie Bear passed over the rainbow bridge at 3:00
this afternoon.  She was 8+ years old, and had been fostered at our
home for the last year.  She was a spunky old gal, who always made sure
I payed attention to her, lick lick chomp on my ankles if I didn't pay
attention.  She started going downhill several days ago, found out that
she had heart problems.  She slipped into a coma this morning, and
slipping out of this life curled up in her favorite blankie, in the arms
of people that loved her.  It is our first loss in the 3 years we've been
ferret owners; I am devestated.  She took a piece of my heart with her.
Thank you, Bobbi McCanse, for letting us love her.
Bridge greeters, please watch for a tiny little silver girl, touch of
black on her face.  She'll be slow in walking over the bridge, someone
please guide her.  Let her know how very much we miss her and love her.
Stacey and Brittany, Missouri
[Posted in FML issue 5347]