First off, make SURE that it is the DEPOT and not the cheaper 24 hour
version which can actually worsen things.  (You can read about that
consideration in the Miamiferret site at .)
Don't let a place just say it can be given monthly; be sure to emphasize
"DEPOT" in your request.
If your vet is going to go for a large purchase and then divide it at
the hospital I can pass on my vet's contact info to find where to get
that.  Because my vet prepares his own of the depot we spend only about
$35 (thinking back a while to the last one so prices could have changed
in the meantime).
Ordering single injections are *much* more expensive per use, but no one
has mentioned recently where the cheapest is but here is a past post of
where it had been at Professional Arts:
Price will also vary with the length of effect of the depot:  several
months vs. one month depots.  Briefly quoting Mike Janke:
>Always know positively what version (1, 3, 4 month) and the
>quantity in milligrams or micrograms before attempting to determing
>pricing of Lupron Depot. There are variations up the wazoo.
-- Sukie (not a vet, and not speaking for any of the below in my
private posts)
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[Posted in FML issue 5343]