I don't know why you are attacking me such as you are, but let me clear
up things.  Firstly, I did attempt to take steps to correct any suspicion
of this breeder having ferrets in PA.  As you well know, as so many can
attest, PA can be strict and unforgiving to animal abusers.  Anyhow, it
was found out with the help of your co-coordinator that they did not have
ferrets in PA and that they were indeed in Maryland.  Hence, why I didn't
publically post based on not enough proof of their having ferrets in PA.
I was only going by what was told to me which turned out to be false with
ulterior motives on part of these breeders.  Your co-cooridinator was
very nice to let me know they still had ferrets there and unfortunately
MD laws differ from PA.  I was told, which could be rumor, so please
forgive if it is, animal control had been called on them and they left
the animals there.  Because according to MD's law, they were not in
violation since food, water, shelter and enough room to turn around in
was provided.
As far as the original shelter who picked up the ferrets from this
breeder.  I was more than willing to go down and get the ferrets out of
their house but after my issues with them and their ban from our shows,
they refused to deal with me or any other rescue other than the NJ
rescue.  If deals were made as breeders between this NJ rescue and the
bad breeders, it is beyond my knowledge.  I only know that this NJ rescue
who was already spread thin, did what they thought honorable and got the
ferrets out of that house.  With that, other foster homes helped out as
well not just one NJ home but several are helping but even that is
difficult when you find your original numbers suddenly are multiplying
because unknown pregnant jills were giving birth so then the number jump
considerably.  I was asked to help and so I did.
As far as making money.  That's funny, since I got the kits last weekend,
I have gone through 6 bags of Innova (16lb bags) in a week (3 more than
usual for a week's feeding).  Innova is not a cheap food but I found it
works well for them and provides good results.  And the water, of which I
am using bottled water instead of my filtered water to make the change a
little easier on their systems.  Also giving them canned food of which I
only use Canned Innova and Canned AD.  I mix up food for them about 4
times a day.  I also mixed in goats milk, nutri-cal and a little pumpkin
(at my vets recommendation).  And then my vet checked them over to make
sure they were looking good.  Bills rack up pretty quickly.  In one
weekend a whopping $500+ to the vet.  This coming week, another $500
As far as my show goes, no kits where there who were 4-5 weeks of age, if
there were, they were have been sent home.  All distemper shot records
were checked and reported so if someone didn't have shots for their kits
of which 4-5 weeks is too young, they would not have been allowed in the
show hall.
Kim, I ask nicely, I am not the bad guy here.  I did not accuse you
of anything, please read back and look at my writing.  Certainly if I
thought this would turn out the way it did I would not have posted in
order to find homes for these kits.  It upsets me more and more that
people are breeding beyond their means and getting into situations like
they did.  As far as knowing the breeder, contact me and I will tell
those who might have inklings but as far as publicly posting the names,
please my previous posts, I am not one to open myself to slander or libel
lawsuits.  I work in this line of business when handle and see claims
where good honest people are sued for libel, slander and defamation of
character.  It's a way of now it seems that people have become sue happy
in hopes of turning a quick buck.  I have put up with a lot and have no
tolerance for those who would readily drag me through the mud.  If I was
flaming you, I can see turnabout as far play but i have done nothing to
you.  My only concern is seeing this kits go to good homes.  It's for the
ferret for god's sakes.  The adoption fees will not break even as I am
ready going in the hole.  Last year, I paid over $9,000 into the ferrets
from my own money.  I had to check my numbers three times and was still
in sticker shock.  When shock wore off and I saw how much adoption fees
pay off bills, it makes me laugh.  My boss asked me the other day if I
earn more money to put into the ferrets, why continue the rescue.  I
told me honestly I do it because i care.  If we didn't care we wouldn't
do rescue work.  He shook his head and response and told me that only
someone who loved doing it would continue.  He mumbled something about
investment and stalked off.  Investment in the ferrets yeah, but making
money, i have yet to hear of a rescue doing things right making a profit.
As many rescues in need of help, if I won the lottery, I would donate it
to all the struggling ferret shelters that I see everyday.  I would open
a free vet clinics where only ferrets were treated.  And I would continue
to work, why because I am a work addict.  I work because it reminds me of
what good rewards can come from hard work.  As a child, I gave up entire
summers to feed and handfeed sick and dying ferrets.  I still do it.  I
am not a martyr and don't pretend to be one.  I don't want anyone's
sympathy and I am not trying to make myself look anymore than I am.  I am
what I am.  People who know me can tell you that I would do all i can to
save a ferret.  I have had my heart broken more times than I can count
but it's the miracles that keep me going.
I am stepping off my soap box to go take care of the ferrets.  More
numbers means more work and less sleep.  Thank you for lending me your
[Posted in FML issue 5342]