Dear anonymous nay-sayers, mud slingers, flamers, & bashers,
"...Oh, what a tangled web we weave when first we practice to
deceive." {Sir Walter Scott's Marmion (1808)}
Where to begin... report negligent situations to someone, anyone!  If
you are certain of your accusations don't hold back with the truth.
Scream it from the roof tops!  Picket the site!  Contact the local
news media.  Make noise about it!  The squeaky wheel gets attention.
If you are not part of the solution, you are part of the problem.
When there is no longer a way to make money from overpopulating the
ferret trade, the backyard breeders will be stopped.  It won't affect
the big farms because of the medical research business they deal in.
Like other animal lovers, I'd like to see that trade halted but it is
a necessary evil, I'm afraid.  Unless we can get the research folks to
get "abusers" to "volunteer" to be the test subjects... Hey, there's
an idea!
Now, onto the subject of homespun shelters/rescues/sanctuaries: If
there wasn't such a dire need for them, there wouldn't be so many
around the country.  Publicly acknowledged or not, 501(c)3 or not,
central structure or foster homes..  these are non-issues when it
comes to the bottom line.  There is no hidden agenda, no personal
gain other than the love from the wayward weasels in our care, no
public notoriety for what we do.  We do it because we can't abide the
thought of these fragile, loving creatures being abandoned, exploited,
mistreated & dumped.  We don't all bang a drum to rally the troops yet
we all have a common goal or mission; ferret welfare, responsible
ownership & proper husbandry.  Please don't debase the dignity of the
efforts made by individuals across this great country of ours by
belittling the guys & gals trying their best to make a difference,
some one ferret at a time.
I would not even think about post anonymously.  I am proud of the efforts
our local area ferret enthusiasts are slowly making.  We get the word
out, politely.  Our thoughts are that we can help better if we aren't
perceived as antagonist.  Each month as our membership grows, we reach
more & more ferret owners & prospective owners, teaching some & learning
from others.
We on this list have a responsibility to the ferrets and to each other
to be civil & caring.  To borrow a tag line from Renee Downs; "It's
amazing how much can be accomplished if nobody cares who gets the
Proudly signed...
Debbie Saunders
Director/Shelter Mom
[Posted in FML issue 5342]