UPDATE 8/20/06-Things are starting to move now.  Home should be here
anywhere from 4-8 weeks.  I'm in a panic, I simply can't do all that
needs to be done here AND do ebay which I need to do to raise money.
I am still short the money I need to replace for the home by the time
the new place is here.  I have got to empty this entire house, do the
cattery, which I have bought part of what is needed and still have part
of it to buy whenever I get the remaining funds.  AND still do everything
that needs to be done with the animals here.  I also still have materials
to buy to do the ferret room before I can move them into the new home.
I haven't raised the funds for that either.  I still have no generator
and before the new place is brought in here, the electric company has to
come move the utility pole which means there will be no power for hours,
the ferrets simply cannot handle the heat.  I have tried to raise the
funds for a small generator and haven't done that either.  I try to avoid
asking for donations, but I may have to now.  In the next 4-8 weeks, I
will not be able to get much more listed on ebay.  I simply have too
much to do here before the new home is brought in.
I have loads of things to get on ebay but simply cannot do it all until
after the home is in, which causes a major problem here since ebay is
how I keep things going here.
Please take a look at what I have now.
sue & The Fuzzies
Auctions items NOW added every Sunday by midnight!  Items added to ebay
store all of the time.  Please visit my ebay auctions, always raising
funds for food, meds, spays and neuters,
Join my eBay Animal group to chat with other animal lovers at:
[Posted in FML issue 5341]