The powers that be in NJ have a bill in progress to lower breed numbers-
This typew of bill could also be amended to apply to ferret breeders.
For NJ folk who want to look into this plewase read on below.
 Subject: [NJDogLaw] Contact info for NJ A3401 -- MAY BE FORWARDED
New Jersey bill A3401, filed July 4th, gets the pet-law revolving
trophy for the worst pet animal bill in the United States.  We need to
kill this one fast and we need your help!
Some key points for NJ A3401:
If you sell over five cats or dogs in a year you are a breeder: Breeders
must be licensed.
Breeders must comply with the federal AWA (Animal Welfare Act)
standards -- non-porous surfaces, separate food preparation room,
bitches in whelp in another building, and so on.  Plus a few extra
tweeks that will make things tougher.
Enclosures must be tall enough for dogs to stand on hind legs with 6" of
clearance and must have access to an outdoor run.  Air must be changed
8-12 times/hour.
Bitches/queens may not be bred over once per year and not more than five
litters are allowed per year.
Any violation is cause for revocation or denial of a license with a
five year or longer ban.  Fines run $500-10,000.  Snitches (who 'out'
a violator) can get 10% of any civil penalty imposed.
Basically it will be impossible to continue home breeding of dogs or cats
in New Jersey if this bill should pass.  There's MUCH more in the bill:
You can read it in the original at the address near the end of this.
To oppose New Jersey A3401:
Write to the two primary sponsors:
Neil M. Cohen
You can contact Mr. Cohen through his home page at:
Joan M. Voss
Her page is:
These sponsors should be asked to "Please WITHDRAW A3401."  Use that for
a subject line and end your message with it.  Keep emails/faxes short.
It may be a challenge, but BE POLITE.  The other people to contact are
the NJ Assembly Agriculture and Natural Resources Committee.  You can
find their names at the top of the page at:
You can contact each of them from there -- just click the names.
Committee members should be asked to "Please OPPOSE A3401."
Use that for a subject line and end your message with it.
You can read NJ A3401 in the original at:
Yes, OUT OF STATE CAN HELP.  While lawmakers do pay more attention to
the people who can vote for them, they listen if their inbox fills up,
the fax runs out of paper over the weekend, and the phone rings off
the hook on Monday.
Please make the contacts above.  It's good to get a quick start on these
things -- if you have the time, PLEASE SEND EMAILS AND FAXES OVER THE
[Posted in FML issue 5321]