I really love this idea!  Now here's my question...Can someone send me
instructions on how to crochet the eggs?  I bought 100 eggs after Easter
with the intent of making eggs but can't seem to figure it out!
I'm also making some snuggies for my vet's office.  He has a lot of
ferret patients and I'm always surprised to see how many people don't
bring bedding with them when they drop off their fuzzies.  I donated a
special snuggy that I got when I adopted Butchie and Maggies years ago.
I always tell people that are using that snuggy that it is very special
and I share some stories about them.
Connie, JD, CB, Piper, Penelope, Smokey and Freddy
Missing Butch, Maggie and Chloe waiting at the bridge
[Posted in FML issue 5338]