Greetings all!
I am finally back after a four year abscence after losing Little Fang.
We now have a Canadian baby boy we named Odie.  I have an immediate
question re: the removal of Fervac by United Vac from the market.  I'm
sure you have had a thread on this, but since I just rejoined, I missed
it!  Is the newly approved Purevax-D by Merial is okey to use?  Can I
give him his third shot with that (if my vet can get it), which will be
mixing the brands, as he had the first two via Fervac.  Please let me
know asap what you guys have concluded.
Looking forward to re-connecting with my old friends on the FML.  I will
miss Mike Janke, as I read that he is ill, and cannot locate him.  Can
anyone share with me on this?  I checked his sight (dedicated to Beasley)
and was saddened to read that he is ill.
lizzi and Odie
Do not go where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path
and leave a trail.
[Posted in FML issue 5337]