Musty Pete Checks on Spaz
Kate asked me to check on her boy Spaz who crossed the Rainbow Bridge
last year.  I bet you'd all be surprised to know how many ferts named
Spaz there are up here!  It's a very popular Snowflake,
Bandit, Buddy and Taz.
I was at a loss as to where I should begin looking for Spaz.  I thought
maybe my buddy Muldoone would know.  But he was as flumoxed as I was.  So
I checked with Francis Ferret and she pulled out her little purple Book
of Greetings and looked at July/August 2005 There it was!  Written in
purple ink in Francis' very neat penmanship..... Spaz arrived Tuesday
August 9th 2005/ Kate M.
Francis directed me to the Boys Dorms, remembering that Spaz was friends
with Gabby, Dexter, Severn, Huck and Giblet.
Off I went, to the Dormitories.  I met up with 2 pretty girlie ferts and
asked if they knew Spaz, of course they said "Which one??"
I said "" and continued on my search.
I finally found Giblet and he told me that Spaz, Dexter and Gabby had
gone to The Falls for a swim.  Of course my thoughts immediately focused
on Muldoone's recent diving accident.  I hoped the boys were being
Well, it's always a nice day for a walk up here.
The sky is a beautiful shade of blue, the sun is warm and bright.  The
birds are singing and the flutterbies are everywhere, flitting from
flower to flower.  The Meadows are beautiful this time of year....heck,
they're beautiful all the time.  As I neared the Greater Falls I could
hear howls of laughter....someone[s] was having a great time!!  There, in
the water, was a group of boys and girls splashing one another, dunking
each other in the cool water, laughing and being silly.  I sat down on
the rocks and watched them for a long time, soaking up the warm sunshine.
As evening approached they began to come out of the water one by one.  I
asked no one in particular, "Is there a ferret named Spaz here?"
A young man looked at me and said, "My name is Spaz."
I asked him, "Is your Earth Mom named Kate?"
Spaz nodded enthusiastically and said, "Yes!  Is anything wrong?"
"No, everything is fine.  Kate asked me to check on you up here, she has
been missing you and she wants to be sure you are happy." I said.  "Kate
was remembering the ordeal you went through on Earth before you came
here, and it makes her heart sad.  She misses you very much."
Spaz looked a little sad...but in a thoughtful way.  "Well..." he began
to speak...."I think you should tell her that I am very happy.  I have so
many friends up here.  I have fun running and playing everyday.  It is so
beautiful up here, and there is so much to do, we never get tired or
bored.  Are you sure she is okay?" he asked
"Yes, Spaz.  She is okay, she misses you." then I asked, "Have you been
to The Pool Of Remembrance to check on your Earth Mom?"
"Yes, Huck and Gabby brought me there one day, soon after I came here.
But it made me sad, because my Mom was crying.  I think she was talking
to me." he said.  "I didn't go there again."
"Well, you might want to visit there again one of these days, just to
check on your Mom.  She's had some time to heal her heart and maybe she
isn't so sad anymore." Then I said, "I will let Kate know you are doing
very well Spaz.  She will be so happy to know that you are okay.  Is
there anything else you would like me to tell her?" I asked.
"You could tell her that it didn't hurt.  Leaving didn't
hurt.  And I know she loves me." Spaz said.
"I'll tell her Spaz." I promised.
"Okay then...Mister Pete.  We'll see you later!" said Spaz as he turned
to scamper away with his friends.
It was time for dinner and I heard grilled chicken with raisin sauce was
on the menu tonight!  Guess I' d better hurry too! before it's all gone!
[Posted in FML issue 5335]