Time is of the essence, does anyone know of a pet sitter in the
Fredericksburg, Virginia area?  I leave for California early on
Wednesday, August 16 (yes, only two days away) and both of my pet
sitters have backed out at the last minute.  My husband is staying
behind, but he has a hellish commute (leaves by 4am and returns after
6pm) and therefore I would need someone to come in during the morning.
To complicate matters, Rogue (the ferret that recently got his foot stuck
in the cage) presented the following symptoms today - diarrhea, lethargy,
and will not eat or drink without hand feeding.  I will be taking him to
the vet tomorrow to try and determine what is going on and hope for the
best.  Unfortunately, I cannot cancel my trip as it is due to the passing
of my Grandfather.  Please email me with any contacts you may have in the
Fredericksburg, Virginia area.
Heather Draper
[Posted in FML issue 5334]