Hi all,
Beck here.  I want to thank all that sent me E-mails of condolances.
The mess.  Mustie Pete let me know Pooh got to the Rainbow Bridge.  Also
Sandy and the Dook City Gang for their storie of Pooh meeting all the
other little ones.  We are doing much better here now.  We are fostering
a little boy named Willy, he is so adoreable.  He has energy that my
little Pooh didn't have since last Sept.when I think he started to get
ill.  But the Vets.  in our locale were not that up on ferts.  They were
alright for normal things, but the real things, forget it.  I could never
give these little ones less than they deserve.  I am so greatful to the
Vet we found in Pitts.  that that is where we will be taking Willy.
Willy is so silly and so careing.  He came into our house and I could
feel his excitment of all the things he got from us.  I don't believe he
could believe he had a mansion to live in, because he would go in and out
many times checking it out.
He is a lone fert and loves humans better than ferts.  He is a kissy baby
and he likes to groom us.  He even likes to bite our honkers (nose).  He
is so precious.
Its been a week since he went to "Rainbow Bridge".  I am putting up 2
memorials for Pooh.  When they are up I will put info.  where to see it.
The poem I wrote for Pooh a couple of years ago and had published I will
E-mail to ya all on FML, as soon as I locate where it is.  We brought
Poohs remains home on Wednes.  and I am waiting for his memorial music
box I got for him to come.  We are making a 4 shelf stand up for mem
here at home.  Web-Shots (ferretlvr9) forpics.
LOL and Dooks,
Beck, Willy and Pooh (my little angel)
[Posted in FML issue 5333]