Isn't there anything we can do, as INDIVIDUALS, to help these ferret
shelters get their numbers down to a manageable level????  i know so many
of them are OVER capacity...Jean in Cleveland is at 90...yes NINETY!...i
know so many others are at 60, 70, 80...MORE!!!
it is great to throw a few dollars their way when you can...that is
ALWAYS needed...and appreciated...BUT...and this is a BIG BUT!!!
they need PEOPLE to come in and ADOPT one or two ferrets..they need LOTS
of people to come in and take a baby or three off their hands and into
your home...
when shelters get to these numbers, it is not just FINANCIALLY hard on is mentally and physically exhausting for them and any
volunteers they may have..and many do not even have the volunteers... is also harder on the little ferrets...can you imagine rotating
play time with 90 ferrets???????????
i know...we think we are all personally at our limit...but is it POSSIBLE
that one more wouldn't throw you off THAT much?...and you?...and you?...
and you???? get the idea...
if you do not think you can handle another ferret LONG about
adopting one of the old guys that need special care or meds?  i have
DONE is painful when they leave after a few months...but
it is OH SO REWARDING!!!!  and it frees up the shelter to have time to
care more for the others...[not that ANY shelter would skimp on the time
needed for the kids...but it would be less stressful for them!]
so...if any of you can open you heart and your home to a new kid...or a
couple new a shelter near you...and if one is not
right around the corner...see if you can make a week-end trip to one...
call them first...e-mail them...whatever...see what is available...i know
with Jean...all i had to tell her was what i was looking for...or me just
go to the shelter...and she always knew which one was right for me...and
she was NEVER wrong...i had an advantage there..she knows me...but most
shelter mom's and dad's are pretty perceptive...
so please...this is the BEST way we can help out the shelters right
now...they still need volunteers...that is never ending...they still need
help financially...that is also never ending...but they MUST have people
adopt some of these ferrets...
they MUST!!!
can any of you open your hearts and home to another kid?
thank you...
p.s....feel free to cross-post fact...PLEASE DO!!!!
Fuzzy Hugs & Whiskered Kisses from Kat the Happy Hooker [so named by BC]
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May you always have:
Love to Share
Health to Spare
And Friends that Care
[Posted in FML issue 5331]