Hello Ladies and Gentlemen, I receive a request from a Missy Laurel to
check on a river otter from PA who made an untimely demise from earth.
So I have been checking through the notices of greetings as there are
others who greet wild ones but I am the only one who greets the wild ones
and arranges to have my human post them for the audiences to see.  Sure
enough there was a poor little river otter from PA who came through the
other day with a hole through his neck.  When he was trying to cross the
bridge, he toppled over and three meercats and 1 otter and a domestic
ferret ran to help him.
He told me his whole sad story.  Poor little guy.  Here he was being
introduced to a new place so they could build up the groups and some
nimrod human shot him right through the neck.  Ouch!  However Beverly
Otter made the observation of making a ribbon go through the two holes
and tie and beautiful bowtie as symbolic of his courage and he looked
like quite the guy.  He still had big tears in his eyes and he was
scared.  I told him I was MollyBlackfootie and occasionally I greet the
wild kids.  So I told him about the wings--very special wings for
swimming musteys.  Off we went to Kit and Kaboodle and there they were
water otter wings with big floaties on them and water resistant.  Auntie
Mary Ferret and her group do such wonderful work and its always playtime
there.  Pink and purple blue and black streaks went through his silver
wings with a beautiful gold halo slightly tilted giving him quite a
rakish look.  I told him these are special wings so he can float.  And
off we ran to the water playground and I discarded my wings and told him
to leave his on and wow, he could float--needless to say he was in
seventh heaven, however I had to have a life jacket on as I am just kit
sized and not quite swimmer size.  We had a great time and were joined
by the minks and a few meercats.
I asked R Otter if he would like to be with his friends who lived over in
the river reeds--and he said well sure--are there others here.  Well I
told him-unfortunately there are way too many.  So we trots over there
and there was a big sign saying Welcome River Otter!!!!  He was so
surprised!  Word travels fast here.  All the drinks, ice cold pepsi, iced
sweet tea, and squirt cheese on crackers and a fish fry which looked
really great to me.  And a band yet.  We were very impressed.  They
invited me to say, but I told them that my parents had a strict curfew,
but then I saw my parents, Jimmy and Mary Blackfootie there, and they
told me to stay until they left.  Okay Party Time.  We danced the night
away.  Blackfoots, minks, stoats, ferrets otters and misc other musteys
were there.  And I could see R Otters room all decorated up with a fat
big hammy just dangling above the water.  Bet that would be fun.  Great
music, great food and great company.
As to the alleged humans who did this, Wonder how they would feel being
torn away from home and shot in the neck.  It is so very sad.  But that
is the way of humans.
The Boss was very upset and says he has plans for the person who did
this.  Oh-oh, I sure would not like to be this person.
Well Just wanted to let you know how the day went and to answer
questions about the wild ones
Love, kisses, and hugs
[Posted in FML issue 5330]