The American Ferret Association mailed out over 500 letters Monday,
8/7/06, urging people to contact Dr. Chester Gipson via email or phone
immediately to inform him that the USDA's proposal to lump domestic
ferrets in with the regulations governing all warm-blooded mammals is
We've also posted an announcement on the front page of our website
asking that people contact Dr. Gipson by 8/11/06 and sent email blasts
to on-line ferret list groups.
AFA's official response to APHIS/USDA can be seen on our website at
Thank you to everyone who calls or emails Dr. Gipson to insist on the
ferret-specific regulations that are long overdue and urgently needed.
Penny Hendrix
The American Ferret Association, Inc.
[Posted in FML issue 5329]