Hi everybody,
My name is River.  I haves to tell you all about my new Hewro.  See, it
all started out in the morning, Momma was getting rweady to go out and
towd us (me and my sis Diti) that she was going to Ferret Wise shelter to
help out.  We wasnt too happy wif that, cuz that cut into our playtime
for the morning... so we made sure to tease her lots to let her know we
wasnt too happy.  She promised to play when she gots back and to tell us
all abouts the shelter ferrets there.
Well, she finally comes back and told us.  Blossom is a hotty chick.  I
told Momma next time bwring her camera and take a picture so I cans hang
her picture on my wall.  Sketch is a biiiiiiiig cwazy boy, and he's is
only about 4 mths old.  Austin climbed up Momma's back twying to get into
the special Non-fewwit room when she bent over (I wike hims too - smart
guy!).  Biscuit is a sweet older girl wif pwetty eyes.  And she said
there was Nestle and a teasin' girl named Lizbeth who kept making Momma
hop around.  And she said there was others too... so many names to twy
to remembers.  But then... she told us about Albus Dumbledorf.  She said
when she met Albus, he was ummm, situated in a toy, with an *empty*
canister on top of him.  Shelter Mom figured out weal quick what was
going ons.  It seems Albus Dumbledorf My Hewro had climb up on a shelf
and stole the *biggest* canister of treats!  Then he dragged it over
into a hidin' toy, and had himself lots of snacks!!  I dont think he
even shared any with anybody!  Not even hottie Blossom!  Momma said if
you listened weal hard, you could hear Albus My Hewro making little
"uuuuhhhhh" sounds, and had a big ol' belly, but had a happy little smirk
on his face.  Albus is sooooo smart!  I aways try to figure out how to
steal extra treats, but so far I have not been able to outsmart Momma.
Albus has done the impossible!
I hope he will someday hold classes so I can learn how he did that.
Albus Dumbledorf is My Hewro.
[Posted in FML issue 5328]