In mid-2005 APHIS/USDA put out a request for public input regarding
the amendment of the Animal Welfare Act to include ferret-specific
regulations to govern the handling, care, treatment, and transportation
of domestic ferrets.  Thousands of ferret owners, veterinarians, ferret
shelters, and breeders across the United States responded to this request
in support of such regulations.  Your voices were heard loud and clear
that ferret-specific regulations are long overdue and needed immediately.
In spite of the overwhelming response in support of such regulations, the
USDA is proposing in lieu of adopting ferret-specific regulations that
they simply lump domestic ferrets into the same regulations that govern
all warm blooded mammals, including, guinea pigs, elephants, and tigers,
and tacking on an 8-week limit for shipping of said mammals.
There is no way to determine if a ferret kit has reached 8 weeks of age
without dental eruption requirements.  The above proposal from the USDA
will not provide for this nor will it provide adequate protection to the
domestic ferret as specifically outlined in AFA's formal response in
September, 2005.  In essence, we will continue to see ferret kits in pets
stores who have been shipped far earlier than they should, unable to eat
the hard kibble provided them, and suffering from the lack of special
care they so require with regard to handling, care, treatment, and
We ask that you please let your voice be heard once again that this
proposal is totally unacceptable to the thousands of ferret enthusiasts
across the U.S., and that we will accept nothing less than the
ferret-specific regulations that have been called for.
Please help save the baby ferrets once again by contacting the supervisor
of this project, Dr. Chester Gipson of APHIS/USDA via email or phone as
(301) 734-4980
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A meeting is scheduled for mid-August to make a decision on this
proposal.  Please call or email TODAY and politely voice your concerns
that this proposal is unacceptable.
You can also download this letter from AFA's website (,
copy, and email to Dr. Gipson.
The baby ferrets are counting on us again -- please, don't let them down.
Thank you again!
[Posted in FML issue 5328]