August 2006 News
Reporter Andy
Cub-Reporter in Training Possum
Ziggy Reporter of a higher order
Andy Here: Phew you guys sure know how to keep my mum busy when I am in
the hospital!  I gots 69 e-mails while I was gone.  THANKS for all your
prayers and good wishes.  Our favorite Doc and Aunt Mary fixed me up to
feel better.  Thanks Miss Donna for taking me and picking me up, thanks
Miss Cathy for taking me back, Thanks Miss Stephanie for bringing me home
again.  I have Lymphoma so I am going to be on medicine to help keep that
nasty stuff in check, I will need to teach that Possum how to become the
senior reporter so when I am not feeling good she can do it on her own.
The trick is going to be to get her to keep her mouth shut and her brain
open.  Hee hee I just said a funny.  Now listen Possum, I got a whisper
in my ear from that Ziggy girl; up on rainbow bridge , she has told me
that she and Master Largo are preparing my space for me up there, that I
am needed so you need to stop talking so much, so I can teach you how to
take over this news letter.  I want you to do it so well that Master
Largo and that Ziggy girl will be proud of the way I trained you.  I do
not know how much time I have left here so you need to get real serious
and learn this NOW!!!!
Possum Here: Stop picking on me Andy!  I made sure everybody knowed you
were sick and in the hospital, I was nice to you.  You need to be nice
to me!
Andy Here: I am not picking on you Possum, I am serious here, I really
do not know how much time I have to teach you; so you need to learn
EVERYTHING in a hurry.  Okay?  Can you do that for me and mum?
Possum Here: Andy why do you, Ziggy and Mater Largo have your pictures at
the top of the news and I don't?
Andy Here: Now see Possum that is exactly what I mean, you need to stop
being worried about things that don't matter so you have room to learn
all you need to learn.  I don't know why Possum you will have to ask Mum
and Miss Sue that question.  Mum is the final decision maker in this
shelter, That is why she has the title of Head Super Pooper Scooper, and
Miss Sue does all our art work for us so you will have to go see them to
get that answer!  It really does not matter because one day maybe soon,
there will be only you in the picture so why don't we tell the news and
not worry about it right now okay?
Possum Here: Do you think mum and miss sue will be mad at me if I ask?
Andy Here: Possum mum has said over and over again, asking a question is
not dumb, stupid or something to get mad about.  If you have a question
then you need to know the answer, so no, I do not think mum or Miss Sue
will be mad at you if you ask them.  Can you stop talking now and start
opening your brain?
Possum Here: okay but if I get in trouble I am going to tell mum that
you tolds me to ask her.  Now lets get doing the news!
Andy Here: Hey Possum that is my line, see you are learning something!  I
am going to start the news this month you got to do it 2 times in a row.
Miss Cathy came to help mum so she went out and vacuumed the pool, Then
came back another day to help get Possums new cage set up and in place.
Miss Eileen, Mr. Tom and Mr. Dan helped mum get the old canopy down out
of the play yard, so mum can put up the new one Miss Stacie got us for
out there, that one mum can put up and down like an umbrella.  Well when
she figures out how.  Mum and Miss Deena tried to set it up and they
could not figure it out.  Miss Stacie is going to come show mum next week
when she is on vacation.  Miss Deena was here for a couple of days to see
if she could adopt Sweet Pea but Sweet Pea fell in love with another
family so Miss Deena said she needed to go there instead.  Miss Deena
will try again another time.  Mum says there is no shortage of kids
needing homes.
Possum Here: Hey Andy where did That Coop and Corey go?  Where did Sweet
Pea go, who are all the new faces in the shelter?
Andy Here: Coop and Corey went to a new 4-ever home in Oswego New York
and Sweet Pea went to her new 4-ever home in Spencerport, New York.  The
new faces are 4 kids that gots to come live here because they were taken
to Ithaca S.P.C.A. and they did not have a place for them so SPCA called
Mum.  Mum contacted all the shelter friends we have in that area to see
if anyone could run over to get the 4 kids, Miss Nichole was able to go
get them for mum.  Miss Nichole also had to go see our favorite Doc that
same day, later, at dinner time, so she brought the kids to Cohocton and
Mum picked them up from there.  They are all boys.  Mum thinks about 2
maybe 3 yrs old, in good health, but will be going in to see our favorite
Doc for check up and tests to make sure.
Possum Here: Hey let me tell some news now.  Mum has been real busy with
lots of sick kids.  Mum says when we get old we tend to get sick and we
have lots of old kids here at the shelter.  All these kids left for
Rainbow Bridge in the past 8 weeks Butter, Sheba, Oscar, Tera and Rascal,
Monty, and Fred.  All of these kids was borned in the 1090's so that is
why they was sick and left us.  Miss Stacie has been feeding mum out of
her garden.  Yum mum says but we can't have any cuz it is veggies.  Mum
says they will make us sick.  We had campers Thiel, Bennett, Cordice,
Costello and now ely and Talledo are here.  Mr. Harry helped mum get a
new shopping mall going, he is taking care of that for her cuz she don't
has time to do that and take care of us too.  Thanks Mr. Harry for helpen
mum take care of us.
Andy Here: Possum take a breath!  Okay Possum remember we have to make
sure we do not make the news too long because then Mr. BIG has a hard
time fitting it in on the FML if we do, so we need to stop for this
month.  I don't know if I will be here next month folks but if I am not
will you please make sure Possum does a good job and tell my mum we love
her.  I will hang around for as long as I can.
Until Next Month;
Andy Senior reporter
Cub-Reporter in Training Possum
International Ferret Congress Vendor Coordinator
IGive Fund Raiser for Lakeroad Ferret Farm
Our Shopping Mall
Don't have time for a ferret of your own?  You can sponsor one of our fur
There are new faces at the shelter go take at look at kids looking for
new homes.
Lakeroad Ferret Farm Rescue Shelter
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[Posted in FML issue 5327]