As we left the Crew of Merry Mayhem, they had all made plans to take over
the human computer that night.  AT and Puck were going to assist them in
their plan.  The humans didn't notice anything too different in the
behavior of the Crew, except they noticed one or two sitting on the
coffee table, intently staring at the file cabinet, the computer and the
keyboard, and some sitting under the chair, intently staring upward.  The
human mom asked her husband if Bear seemed to have a little lump by his
tail, but the human man said he didn't think so.  Bear quickly sat down
and rearranged his measuring tape so that it was smooth over his tail.
As they were all put to bed for the night (or so the humans thought) they
looked at each other, smiling, saying "Arwen, we've got the information!"
"Well done, my children, well done!  Now, rest for a while."
That evening the humans went to bed, the momma going from group to group,
making sure each was comfortable and warm, talking softly to them.  Once
the humans were asleep, Arwen called the cats to her, told the ferrets
to all wake up.
"Now, my children, our friends the cats, this is what you must do.  You
must get downstairs, get to the computer and bring it up.  Here is the
password that we can use to get onto the Internet, and here is Her
"Arwen" Autumn quietly asked, "Why not put this out on the FML?  We
can also send Her a message, but why not let all Her friends-ferret
and humans alike-know this?  The world should know this!"
Arwen looked at Autumn.  "You are wise, for such a young one.  All right,
send the message to her, and also send it to the FML.  Master Bill, the
great friend to all ferrets (and secret operative of the FLO) will be
more than glad to post this for Sunday.  And make sure you have it there
by Sunday.  Puck, you wondered about Robyn Ant, August 2006, well this is
the message, which you will read.  You didn't know it also said August 6,
Arwen gave the information to the ferrets and told them to go, do this
quickly.  Saber and Spike stopped and looked at her.  "Are you not
coming with us Arwen?"
"No my dears.  You know I am not well, but my love is included in this
message, so go.  Sunner-Bear-Saber and all of you-no going through the
tube downstairs!  Silence is the of the utmost importance tonight!"
Cage doors quietly opened, and for once the Crew of Merry Mayhem used
stealth.  AT sat at the bedroom door, knowing it was his job to alert
the Crew if either of the human parents awoke.  Puck was downstairs and
helped the ferrets onto the chair in front of the computer, brought out
the keyboard for them, and even turned on the computer.
"Okay, who types the best here???" asked Binx "I do" Cream Puff said.
And so she was allowed to type out the message.
"ThiS Mesage is sent with much luv for da momma of many ferrets, famous
ferrets.  And she be da bestest of friends to many peoples, raises funds
to help out da ferrets.  She protect ferrets where dey aren't supposed
to be, gets dem to safety.  She be da great friend of da Wolfy, she even
flied around wit da Wolfy in a red waggon.  She and da WolfY even had a
race across da world!  She be da momma of a super star, Mister Doodlebug,
da momma of da Petey who has da PTO club (and we be members too!), and
of Super Tonks.  She luvs all Ferrets.  And all da Crew of Merry Mayhem,
der momma and der daddy wants to say dis to da Charmer of Ferrets:
And after writing this, all the Crew of Merry Mayhem gave each other the
high paw, even went so far as to kiss AT and Puck (even though Saber
thought it was the sissy thing to do) and went to bed with smiles on
their faces.  Before she went to her group, Cream Puff stopped and
smiled.  Then she climbed up the bed and whispered in her momma's ear
"We loves you, too, momma" and then she went to bed.  Arwen watched them
all, made sure they latched their cages.
"Well done my fur children, well done".  Just before she slipped off to
a peaceful sleep she sent a telepathic message to Robin----and well done
to you, too, Ferret Charmer, well done.  Happy birthday my dear, and
many more".
We are all grateful to know Robin
Rebecca and the Crew of Merry Mayhem
"Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons, for thou art crunchy and taste
 good with ketchup"
"Support bacteria, it's the only culture some people have"
[Posted in FML issue 5326]