I want to thank all 35 people that responded to my email about Fritz
and his drooling.  I wish I had the time to thank each one of you, but
working 6 days a week, 15 ferrets, 1 cat, and three dogs doesn't leave me
a lot of free time.  I brought Fritz and 35 pages of printed out emails
to Dr. Smith Saturday.  We agreed to take him to LSU Monday for blood
work.  Since Fritz has heart problems we thought they would be the most
knowledgeable ones to diagnose Fritz, and prescribe the recommended
amount of medicines.
I am always so proud of my ferret family when in a crisis.  I have been
a member of the FML for almost 9 years and I have never ask a question
that could not be answered by an overwhelming majority!
Carol and Fritz
[Posted in FML issue 5313]