It's so sad to hear of these shelters closing.  We too are full, our
highest number ever and only taking in emergencies- those in danger of
being euthanized etc.  The only way we are able to keep going is with the
help and support of everyone in our rescue group.  The fantastic need for
ferret shelters will continue as long as the farms are supplying the pet
stores and the pet stores are selling ferrets without educating their
customers.  My solution is to have a moratorium on breeding for x number
of years or until the shelters numbers have drastically reduced.  The
problem with that is that you are involving the government & the law
makers who are supposed to help, but usually wind up doing more harm than
good.  After the numbers have decreased, then and only then should any
animal be bred privately, responsibly by licensed breeders subject to
random inspections.
I haven't heard much out of the MD area shelters lately.  Could you all
check in, via FML or private email and let me know if you have room so we
have somewhere to refer the potential over flow?
Peace & Love to all of you out there fighting the good fight, who flip
the proverbial bird to those that haughtily bawlk at us saying "You can't
save the world".  I agree with Ghandi who says "You must be the change
you wish to see in the world."  If everyone would help just one homeless
animal..... maybe,...... just maybe we COULD save the world....and a
piece of our own souls and consciences in the process for the damage,
disservice and injustice that we as a human race have done by making the
sale of animals a business opportunity instead of a decision based on
love, commitment and responsibility.
Kimberly Fox
Director/Rescue Mom
Somethin Up My Sleeve Ferret Rescue
[Posted in FML issue 5320]