I have to tell you all about this REALLY nice thing that happened to me
today.  I know a lady in Las Vegas name Julie Brown, you may see her post
here from time to time ( woozle31@[xxxxx] ).  Julie makes lots of really
great ferrety stuff.  One of the many things I like are her bracelets.
They are macrame with these really cool wooden beads that she has burned
ferrets into.  I had asked Julie to make me 5 of these for a group of
friends of mine.  She gave me a price and we were good to go.
Yesterday I got a package in the mail.  Not only were the 5 bracelets in
there, but there were 3 extra and a matching necklace.  When I emailed
her back (I thought she had gotten the order wrong) she said no, To use
the others for a raffle or a auction for rescue, and to send the money
I owed her to SOS.  How cool is that??  Julie has ALWAYS supported us
in CA.  and I thought this was very generous of her.
Ferret people never cease to amaze me and humble me.  Thank you Julie.
If you want to see some of Julie's great items, please go to:
[Posted in FML issue 5319]