Hi, all.  Best Friends will be in the Saratoga, NY area on Saturday,
August 12 to discuss the response to Katrina and the current readiness
status.  If you are interested in helping animals in a natural disaster,
you may want to attend.  If you are not yet a part of the Ferret
Emergency group, please consider joining us.  The website is listed
---------- Forwarded message ----------
 From: Francis Battista <[log in to unmask]>
 Date: Jul 26, 2006 7:18 PM
 Subject: Saratoga
 To: [log in to unmask]
Dear Friends,
Silva and I will be in Easton, NY, near Saratoga to speak about Best
Friends' work during Hurricane Katrina and our future planning for
disaster response.  Details are on this flyer(Click Here) or you
can visit the site of our generous host, High Goal Farm, at
http://highgoalfarm.com (NB: no "www").
I look forward to seeing you.
 Francis Battista
 Best Friends Animal
renee :)
It's amazing how much can be accomplished if nobody cares who gets the
International Ferret Congress
[Posted in FML issue 5316]