Hi Jo Ellen,
I think that the safest thing to do, at this point, is get him into a vet
immediately.  I am not quite the expert, however, the symptoms you are
describing could go to any number of illness's, so to safely "diagnose",
go to the vet.
Now, having said that, the loss of hair and the lump, COULD be an adrenal
issue.  Emphasis on could be.  My Ricky began to lose his hair in about
the same place, and on his fuzzy little feet.  He also started being
aggressive to the other kids, and took to "ear sucking" on Artemus.
Fortunately, folks here on the list suggested to me what to do, and if
it weren't for the advice I got here, well I don't know where Ricky would
be at this time.  Currently he takes 1 mg Melatonin, every other day.  I
picked up the melatonin from my pharmacy, it is in amoungst the vitamins
(as advised by my vet).  Since we "caught" his condition early, it seems
that we are in better shape than we would be had I let it go further.
So, as long as it keeps working, that is what we will do.
Not saying that this is what is wrong with your ferret though.  Again,
the only one who can really "diagnose" him will be your vet.  It IS
important to listen to everyone's advice here too though.  Sometimes
folks here can pick up on what a vet may/maynot miss.  I also, at the
time I started him on Melatonin, began to "drape" their cage to "black
out" light for them.  Now all my fuzzies seem to have more energy.  Maybe
it is my imagination, but I don't think so.
The hyperist is Vin Dweezil II.  Actually, maybe someone out here could
advise me on him?  This is my "prolapsed rectum" fert, that Petco turned
over to me.  My problem?  He goes NONSTOP for up to 6 hours, without
rest, without sleep, or anything.  He is about 8-9 months old.  Now I
have had other fuzzies that were that age, and they NEVER went as long
as this little guy goes.  Is it possible to have a fert with ADD?
Hugs and dooks to all!!!!
Kim and Her Army of Idiots
Lord, help me to be grateful for what I have, and not greedy for what I
[Posted in FML issue 5314]