:::::singing & dancing::::
happy anniversary, happy anniversary, happy anniversary::::::
Tonks!!!!  settle down you have another mission.
::::::twirling like a cyclone of green and white:::::
TADA!  It's me Super Tonks, Super Hero Extrodinare at your service
Petey, how can I help?
Yanno, I live wif ya, I am not impressed.  Save it for the girls.
Tonks,this is your mission.  You have to fly this banner in the sky
announcing the ebay auction of the collectible and wearable Black Footed
Ferret patch, that commemorates the 25th Anniversary of it's rediscovery.
Ohhhhhh cool Petey, look how pretty they are.  Hey dat Black footed guy
is almost as handsome as me!
Sigh.... Pay attention Tonks.  Proceeds from this auction benefit the
Black Footed Ferret recovery program.
Oh this is important huh Petey?
Yes Tonks it is very important.  Our Black Footed Ferret cousins need our
help.  so let's get this show on the road.
You got it Petey, Here is go,  :::Yuker Pa Duker  Awayyyyyyyyy:::
To see this auction go to:
Petey TPO, & Super Tonks
[Posted in FML issue 5313]