I know someone out there can help me with this and I also know I will get
a lot of different answers but I am starting here.  My little Marty has
started loosing his hair from his chest.  Nowhere else so far just there.
Then the other night when we were playing I picked him up and I think I
found a lump.  I am not sure it is a lump but sure feels like one to me.
It is on his left side.  It doesn't bother him when I touch it but scared
me since I know these little ones have health issues.
He is an older ferret now and I know they do not live long but I still
do not want anything to happen to him.  He is my joy in life.  I love
him like I have loved no other.  I have always had dogs and cats and
loved them so much but there is nothing like the love of a ferret.  So
if anyone out there can give me any help I would really appreciate it.
JO & Marty
[Posted in FML issue 5313]