Cross posted with permission please help:
I was contacted by a lady that needs a home for 2 fur kids that live in
N.J.  One male, sable, 4 yrs old.  One female, not sure if she is DEW or
albino, she is also 4 yrs old.  They must go to the new home together,
they can not be split.  I told Andrea I would help her find a home in
her area or as closely as possible via posting on ferret lists.  Below is
the post I got from Andrea: Thanks in advance if you can help.  Brenda
I live in New Jersey and I have 2 ferrets a brother and sister.  I saw
your website and I like the idea that on your site you said you don't
kill them off.  Your shelter is kind of far, but I want the best shelter
for these ferrets.  The reason I have to give them away is because where
I live is very small I don't have room for them and I just had a baby.  I
cant afford them.  I want them to have a good home.  Let me know if you
have the room for these ferrets and how does this shelter work.  Thank
you for your time.  Thank you so much on getting back to me.  That sounds
Andrea Padalino
[log in to unmask]
International Ferret Congress Shelter/Vendor Coordinator
Click the banner to visit the store. Don't have time for a ferret of your
own?  You can sponsor one of our fur kids.  There are new faces at the
shelter go take at look at kids looking for new homes.
Andy-cub reporter, shelter kids, & oh yeah mum too!
[Posted in FML issue 5312]