I agree that we should put a stop to Marshalls farms and other "ferret
mills".  As for buying a kit at Petco, some of us who really want a kit,
especially after having so many losses from older, sickly ferrets who
have passed on, want to take a break and get a kit.  Some of us do not
have the convenience of having a breeder anywhere near us.  Shipping is
out of the question, breeders do not ship, nor is it fair, I have seen
kits squished into a carrier taxi coming into Petco and what a stink,
never mind how unfair it is to them and their health.
Just what do people, who want a kit but are too far away to travel or
cannot travel, do for a baby?  I wish I never signed that damn petition
to make ferrets legal in MA!  Look at the mess it has caused with
shelters being overloaded!  Maybe it is time to stop the shops from
selling kits as I am tired of going in to Petco and seeing them in that
glass case, always worrying whether or not they will get a GOOD home,
especially the ones who are fullgrown.  They cannot help it that they are
Marshall ferrets.  Maybe we should all take a day and boycott all Petcos
against selling ferrets due to the cruelty of shipping, no education
given when purchasing a ferret and the their policy on sick ferrets!
As some of you know and have helped, I have one kit that I am still
trying to get from Petco and because of "their policy" they will not let
me have him, whether I buy him or not until he is "better".  This kit has
a huge lump on his throat/chest area and I fell in love with him, before
even finding the lump.  I have called Petco several times to see how he
is doing and one manager tells me that his lump is getting smaller, the
other manager says it is the same!  Who do I believe?  Policy says a
ferret cannot be released until it is done with medication.  If this lump
is not going down, apparently the medication is not working and he needs
surgery/biopsy asap and with a good vet who knows what they are doing,
not a contracted vet.  I have written Petco, called Petco and hounded
them about this kit and they are so "tight lipped" that I cannot find
out what is really going on, nor find out whether this lump was even
aspirated in the beginning.  Do they care?  I don't think so.
It is nothing but a profit making business and I am fed up with Petco as
many people are.  I am tired of going into the stores and telling their
workers that the ferrets need water, they need food, their hammock is
hanging so they cannot get into it, their cage stinks, etc.  I am tired
of feeling helpless when it comes to these kits.  Yes we need to put the
"ferret farms and mills" out of business to stop this mess, this is where
it starts.  We all need to ban together to do anything, their is power in
I for one am so "turned off" by Petco now, due to how this kit situation
is being handled.  It is time for me to go back to the Ferretstore for
supplies and avoid the Petco's totally.  I am sickened by them after
Eleanor, Donald and the 6 pack (tired of wondering about # 7)
[Posted in FML issue 5305]