ACK!!!!!  How did that get here???  We took it to Toronto didn't we
Mommy??  ACK!!!!!!  It's following me!!!!
LOL :::::wrapping herself is the quilt::::
Yes Tonks my love, we have the ELF quilt yet again.  :::snuggle::::
Bu Bu But Mommy, how did that happen, I know we took it there.  And Deo
told me that Aunty Wolfy won it, HOW DID IT GET BACK HERE??  Do we get to
deliver it to Aunty Wolfy too?  ::::yea I get to play with Pharos:::::
Settle down Tonks and I will explain.  Your Aunty Wolfy did something
Again Mommy?
No Tonks, this is the big kahuna of spectacular.  She sent us this quilt.
Yes she won it in Toronto and brought it home, only to send it to us.
But why Mommy, its sooo beautiful, why didn't she keep it.
Because that's the way your Aunty Wolfy is honey.  she has so much love
inside her she shares it with everyone else.  C'mere and snuggle in this
quilt, Can't you feel the love?
:::big blinking eyes::::::::   oh Mommy, this is real special isn't it.
Yes it is honey, more special than I can even express in words.  This is
something I am going to cherish for many, many years.
Me too Mommy   :::wiping tear:::  me too.
Thank you Wolfy, there are no words.
[Posted in FML issue 5304]