>From:    Patty Asheuer <[log in to unmask]>
>I'm looking for some cute ferret terminology for an article for the AFA.
>Does anyone have any terms out there they use when talking about ferrets?
>For example:
>Nip and Run: well, kind of self explanatory when you think of a hit and
>run:-)  ...
Hi, Patty!  I have a couple to add...we have "drive by nipping" at our
house...kinda, nip and run but FASTER! :)
and Happy Weasel, when they rub their little heads on the carpet after
some ferretone.
Sleeping, not dead...for the heavy heavy sleep some of ours do.
I'm sure I'll think of more!
Stacey in Missouri
[Posted in FML issue 5301]