For those of you who have been able to keep track of the ongoing saga of
my life I have but more bad news...
My very first ferret meiko who lived to be a long and up until now
healthy life of 10 years passed to the bridge today.  I put him to bed
last night and he seemed me my usual when
I checked in on him he was on the bottom of his cage and had passed a
small amount of black stool.  Off to the vet we went and when the doctor
palpatated his stomach found a mass...He said it felt about half the
size of a golf ball.....he was almost gone by the time we got to the vet
and so he was helped to the bridge.  I wish he would have just died
peacefully on his own but I also knew he was suffering and I could not
let it go on...he died with me telling him about the bridge and all his
bridge buddies that would be helping him...I wish I would have seen
something in advance but warning signs at all!.....this
happened one week ago to the day and hour that my cousin committed
suicide and I am still in disbelief over that situation.
There has been too much death and sadness again this year and it isn't
even over yet plus my house is in an uproar due to having a new bathroom
installed.  Meiko was my very first ferret and was actually given to my
daughter when she graduated from ninth grade.  I have not told her yet
and am not looking forward to doing so tonight.
Please keep us all in your prayers as we continue on and I will send my
prayers to those who need them...
dooks and love...
[Posted in FML issue 5301]