I read on someones post a mention of a melatonin implant?  Ferretonin
implant?  Could someone explain to me what is the purpose of this as
well as cost ,,,and well details A-Z for me.  I have 14 fuzzies-lost 2,,
Bandit and Peanut recently.  3 months apart.  Bandit had a lesion on
his spinal cord-he didnt respond to the steroids DR.  gave him-he was
paralyzed and it killed me to see him like that-and Peanut was healthy-
or so I thought-on June 25 I went in to let them out and he was on the
bottom of the cage and I lost it.  I dont even know what happened!  Im
extremley involved with all my ferrets.  I notice everything-thats why
this is so baffeling.  But I didnt want a necropsy.  Im heartbroken ,so
if theres something out there that could help in the future I'd love to
know about it.  Thank you in advance for your help.
Kelly,ferret mommie LI, NY
[Posted in FML issue 5298]