Musty Pete Greets Spaz [for Muldoone]
Sitting here on the large granite slabs beside the Pool Of Remembrance
is one of my most favorite spots.  It has such a calming effect on all
who visit.  As I sat here earlier today I watched the sun rise, it was
glorious in all it's splendor.  Every color imaginable was splashed
across the morning sky.
I allowed myself a few brief moments of awe and then there was this BANG!
BOOM!  CRASH!  coming from out of the woods....quickly followed by my
young friend Muldoone, tumbling out of the bushes and landing at my feet
with a THUD!
"Misser Pete!!  Misser Pete!!  I be needin yur help!!  I has a vewwy big
favor to askis you!"
I smiled down at the young lad....curious, I asked how I could help.
"See dere be a new fewet comins to da Bwidge, but I no can bees dere." I
has a pri...a prev...I has a probwem Misser Pete.  I bees a pre-porkypine
and I appose to talk to da young fewets bout how to dooes a fwannel
nightiegown waid.  I has to orddanize dem and den I has to teaches dem
stwatchitty and wots of odder stuff so I no can bees at da Bwidge.  I be
hopin you can gweet Spazz at da Bwidge for me.  He appose to bees here
very soon.  Can you helps me pwease Mr. Pete?  Cans you meet Spaz for
me?" Mully pleaded.
Muldoone has a way of blurting that is endearing to us all but something
he said confused even me!
"Muldoone!  Slow down!  You have a pre-porkypine!!???  What is a
pre-porkypine??" I asked him.  He looked stunned that I had to ask.
"You knos!!  A pre-porkypine!!"
I shook my head, mumbling...and then it made sense.
"Oh!!  I see.  You are preoccupied!"
Muldoone stared at me in disbelief... "Dat be what I says, I bees
Rather than waste the entire morning debating Muldoone's choice of words,
I agreed to go meet Spaz at the bridge.
Suddenly a small band of ferrets came up the path towards us.  Skipping
and jumping and hopping over one another in a silly game of Leap-Fert
Muldoone began introducing them to me.
"Misser Pete!  Dese be Spaz' brudders and sisturs.  Dat be Socks and
Buttons over dere.
And dat be Bones standing next to Weasle and dose two bee-yoo-tee-ful
girly ferts bees Oreo and Skyler.
Dey would wike to goes wiff you to gweet Spaz.  Dey been waitin for him
if dat bees ok wiff you Misser Pete."
I smiled at the group.
"I am very happy to meet all of you.
Although I believe I may have met Buttons and Socks before.  You are all
welcome to join me, but we had better get a move on.  Spaz will be here
very soon."
I led the group down the path towards the Rainbow Bridge.
As we approached we could see a small figure on the far side of the
bridge and Moonbeam Molly was flying away.
There was Spaz, clutching his favorite pink blanket, looking a little bit
afraid.  He seemed unsure of what he should do, but then he looked up and
a huge smile Crossed his face, and his eyes lit up with delight.
"Weasle??  And Buttons and Bones!!  Oh my!!
And Socks??  Socks is here too???  And Skylar and Oreo!!
Oh!  How I missed all of you!!""
Spaz ran across the Bridge and dove into the pile of brothers and
sisters.  Smelling them, kissing them, tripping and tumbling.  Laughing
with joy!
His journey complete, reunited with his family who had come here before
him.  Spaz no longer felt afraid.
He felt a great love and a sense of peace had replaced his sorrow.
Spaz was home.
[Posted in FML issue 5296]