Good day all!
Our local ferret club, the Star City Ferret Club is having it's monthly
meeting this coming Saturday, July 8 starting at 1:00 p.m. at the
Williamson Rd Public Library in Roanoke Virginia.
This month we have a real treat!  It's gonna be story telling time.  The
library asked us if they could invite several kids, ages to range from 6
to 14 from their summer reading program.  We will have coloring books
with pictures of ferrets and an assortment of stories to share with the
kids and their parents as well as a few "Good Citizen" ferrets for them
to meet & pet.  We did this last fall with a group of 20 pre-schoolers
and the kids had a blast.  If anyone has a good ferret story we can share
with the gang, please email them to me at: [log in to unmask] or
[log in to unmask]  Our goal is to start them out young
with an appreciation for these wonderful little bundles of electric fuzz.
Education is the key!
And if any of y'all are in the neighborhood, please feel free to stop in
and visit with us.
A side note to Renee D.:  I absolutely LOVE your post signature;
"It's amazing how much can be accomplished if nobody cares who gets
the credit!"
HOW TRUE!!!  May I borrow it?
Hugs to the fuzzies!
[Posted in FML issue 5296]