I pretty much howled when I read about the pit bulls that were very
respectful around the ferrets.  I had the same sort of experience myself.
When I was hit by a car 3 1/2 years ago my ferrets got to go visit fellow
ferret club members.  One home in particular was a shelter for dogs.  My
Shiloh (who is very sweet w/ people and was w/ her own dog, Tess) took
acception to having her butt sniffed by the dogs there at the shelter
(no, I don't approve of how my ferrets were out w/ dogs they didn't know
and trust) and turned on a Siberian Husky and bit him on the tongue.
Needless to say he gave her a wide berth from then on.  I'm just glad
he didn't turn into a raving lunatic and hurt Shiloh.
Pat and the Furry Inspirations
best part their most favorite toy is the two pit bulls that belong to
my girlfriend.these two dogs ( lumbering locomotives ) are very careful
around the ferrets simply because one of the dogs almost got a pierced
tong from Sidney.and little Rita opens up a can of pit bull on you when
she gets mad !!!!!!
[Posted in FML issue 5293]